FOSDEM 2020 <->
So, first of all, let’s know about FOSDEM.✨✨
FOSDEM( Free and Open-source Software Developers’ European Meeting) is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate with each other. **FOSDEM 2020 was held on 1st and 2nd February at Brussels. 🎯* It is a very busy conference. This edition features 837 speakers, 871 events, and 71 tracks.*
Every year, thousands of developers of free and open-source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels to share their ideas with each other. It is aimed at developers and anyone interested in the free and open-source software movement.🎁
There are essentially six different categories of sessions and activities: keynotes, main tracks, developer rooms, lightning talks, stands, and certification exams.
Here I am going to give you a brief summary of some interesting talks that I watched and you should also look for them. Hopefully, you like them!!😊😊
Matthias Kirschner was the first speaker, He added or the main aim of his talk is that Civil society needs Free Software hackers.
Matthias Kirschner
Organizations that work for people’s rights are now confronted with the problems proprietary software creates for society. The pupils’ associations, the unions, human rights organizations, or environmental organizations — all of them need to understand how the software works to do their work in our society.🎉🎉
PermalinkKapow! A Web Framework for the Shell✨✨
Open-Source Web Framework
This talk is given by Roberto Abdelkader Martínez Pérez.
This talk is about “Kapow!” an open-source web framework for the shell developed) by BBVA Innovation Labs. The aim of the talk was to create an adapter between the shell and the web. Allowing users to expose command line programs as HTTP services with a high degree of freedom and flexibility, not imposing any predefined behavior.
PermalinkThe pool next to the ocean: How to bring OpenSource skills to more people!!🎯
Johannes Tigges
In this talk, I learned about how to deal with silo issues within the company, how to facilitate companies’ way to transition projects to OpenSource or how to build up skills to successfully interact with OpenSource projects… THIS is one of the best talks that I have seen so far.😍😍
PermalinkPrototyping the Internet of Things with Wyliodrin STUDIO!!
This is an open-source platform for building IoT prototypes.✨✨
Wyliodrin STUDIO
Wyliodrin STUDIO is an easy to use IDE for the Internet of Things that enables remote control over embedded devices. While it is a good prototyping tool, the platform also targets students and educators who want to get started in the IoT field.
Alexandru Radovici
3The main aim of the talk is to give an overview of Wyliodrin STUDIO’s characteristics, but also introduce the audience to their experience in teaching IoT courses.👏✌
PermalinkVerifpal:- Cryptographic Protocol Analysis for Students and Engineers!!✨✨
Verifpal is new software for verifying the security of cryptographic protocols. Building upon contemporary research in symbolic formal verification, Verifpal’s main aim is to appeal more to real-world practitioners, students, and engineers without sacrificing comprehensive formal verification features.
PermalinkEncrypt your collaboration with CryptPad
He has shown a real demonstration of how we can encrypt our data and collaborate with others in real-time using the CryptPad Open Source project.
Ludovic Dubost
The Internet business model is about “surveillance capitalism” and every day our data is being used to target us with more and more invading advertisements, and everyday data is being leaked by Internet business and cloud providers.CryptPad is using end-to-end encryption to protect our data while including innovative algorithms to allow collaboration between users. With CryptPad, the cloud hoster cannot read our data and if data leaks, hackers only get encrypted data that they cannot read without the keys.
CryptPad is using end-to-end encryption to protect our data while including innovative algorithms to allow collaboration between users. With CryptPad, the cloud hoster cannot read our data and if data leaks, hackers only get encrypted data that they cannot read without the keys.
PermalinkOpen Source Support Program by OTA!!👏👏
Gratien D’haese
The Open Technology Assembly (OTA) is a non-profit organization whose main goal was to promote and organize meetings around Unix and Open Source in general. In his wonderful talk told us about many things about OTA that are new to me. I think you should look for it.✌
PermalinkSo in the end, it was great fun for me and a very knowledgeable event for a newbie like me I learned many new things here and know many more great things that will help me for the betterment of my future.👓👓
These are some highlights of lightning talks that can blow your mind so, in my opinion, you should definitely watch them. There are many other talks also which you can refer to to get some more knowledge because
“ Knowledge is love and light and vision”
😊Credit:- Vishal Das😊
Until next time! Take care, keep spreading love and Open Source 🎉 Ciao 👋